Randy |
Resources: | |
In Search of. . . If you would like to better understand the comet Hale-Bopp, and the information which is lacking, I suggest you vist the following
Framed Version:
Non-Framed version
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Farsight Institute: http://www.farsight.org
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Website with Image:
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Anomalous Images and UFO Files:
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Art Bell Web Site Halebopp Section: Nice collection of images and links http://www.artbell.com/art/halebopp.html
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Whitley Streiber's Site Here's something You should check out immediately! Whitley Streiber's latest news about Hale-Bopp companion: http://www.strieber.com/ufonews/bopp2.html Very imaginative theory and penetrating analysis of Hale-Bopp's mysterious companion that makes you wonder. Couldn't be half as true as it sounds. Or could it? We'll just have to wait and see. | |
The Hale-Bopp Comet Enigma site: http://www.anc.net/~neff/enig1.html
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Comet Hale-Bopp Mega-Links A list of Hale-Bopp Sites. New Sites just added. http://members.aol.com/nsp97/bopp.htm
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Chuck Shramek http://paradise.pplnet.com/shram/comet.htm
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The Hale-Bopp / Hubble Space Telescope Website: http://www.in-search-of.com/frames/hale_bopp/hale_bopp.html
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URL's to the Executive Branch Petitions:
Media: http://www.in-search-of.com/frames/hale_bopp/media/media.html
Scientists: http://www.in-search-of.com/frames/hale_bopp/scientist/scientist.html
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